Friday, July 20, 2007

First few weeks on the drugs

7/19/07 - Appointment with Dr. Wang (Kathi)

Mom told the doctor that she feels good. She has had some pain in her head but it doesn't last very long and it's not in the same place each time - doctor did not feel concerned. She also mentioned that her feet aren't bothering her. No other symptoms.

During his exam Dr. Wang noted her blood pressure was elevated 160/80 (one of the potential side effects on the medication) and recommended that she increase her high blood pressure medication. Dr. Lacey (general practitioner) wasn't in her office but Mom has called her to let her know of the change.

Dr. Wang did have a comment about the Nexavar - we were under the impression that she took the medication for 4 weeks and then was off for 2 weeks - Dr. Wang told us that she needs to be on it continuously. (This was confirmed with Mark Lynch. The other drug is 4 weeks/2 weeks.) We will get the refills on the Nexavar by calling the specialty pharmacy.

The next appointment with Dr. Wang is on August 15th at 2:45 but she will need to have a blood test done 2-3 days prior to the appointment. The blood test will check liver and kidney functions.

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