Wednesday, August 22, 2007

August 15th Appointment with Dr. Wang

Mom's visit to Dr Wang on Wed, August 15th (with Eileen)

Results from the blood work show that Mom's liver function numbers are out of range. This is a new development. Dr Wang feels the Nexavar may be to blame since the values changed so dramatically since the last time. He has taken her off the Nexavar for now and has ordered a new CT Scan so we can compare the liver to the original scan.
Mom's appetite had diminished which can lead to her feeling really tired. Her blood pressure is now too low so DR Wang lowered the dose of her blood pressure medicine back to the previous level.

We are hoping to get the CT scheduled right away and return to Dr Wang on Sept. 5th at 330pm

Kathi took Mom to KC from Aug 16th through Aug 20th to visit the family there. They had a great time. Spoke to Mom when she got back and she is feeling better. She has her appetite back!