Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Mom's new health blog

Upcoming appointments:

July 12th - Oncologist (Dr. Wang) 2:45


June 21st - Consult with Dr. Wang. He had spoken with Dr. Andrews and everyone is in agreement that we won't do surgery. He says someone who doesn't do treatment (drugs) will live approximately 6-8 months. The treatment will help with 2-4 months. But there are 3 different kinds of drugs and he said when 1 stops working we can start another. He is starting her on Sutent first and we're trying to get all of the approvals, etc. She will hopefully start taking it in a few days. She will take it for 4 weeks and then have 2 weeks off. She will do this 3 times. The side effects are less than traditional chemo. We see the doctor again in 3 weeks just to see how she's doing on the medication, and she'll probably have another ct scan in 3-4 months to see how the drugs are working. She will also have periodic blood tests to check liver function, etc. She still feels fine.

June 18th - still haven't heard back from Dr. Andrews office. Just left another message.

June 14th - The cardiologist (Dr. Baruch) says Mom's heart is in great shape. He says he doesn't have to see her again unless she has any problems. He wants her to keep taking the medicine she's on right now. This afternoon we saw the urologist (Dr. Andrews). He says there are small nodules on her lungs. The bone scan only showed a spot on her rib cage and they really can't say if it's the cancer because that's a weird place for it to go. (Usually goes to the spine.) They thought maybe she had broken her ribs in the last 18 months or so, but she said no. He doesn't seem too worried about either of these. We told him right away about our concerns about the surgery and he actually agrees with us. He says the recovery is very hard and would not really buy us much time. He is going to call Dr. Wang (the oncologist) to discuss Mom's case and he (Dr. Andrews) will probably call Eileen tomorrow. We then will call Dr. Wang to set up an appointment to find out more about what to expect in the coming months and to start on the drugs. He did mention the fact that Mom is not in any pain is a good sign there might not be a lot of pain.

June 7th - Mom had her bone scan. I think we'll get results on the 14th.

June 6th - Mom had her lung ct. I assume Dr. Andrews will give us the results on the 14th.

June 5th - Mom had her Echo cardiogram. We'll get the results on the 14th.

June 4th - Dr. Wang - Oncologist (with Eileen and Pattie) Dr. Wang says there are spots on the lung from the original ct Mom had done, so it has spread to the lungs. (This was just a partial picture of the lungs and we're still scheduled to get the chest ct and bone scan to get a better idea.) He recommends taking out the kidney if Dr. Andrews thinks Mom is physically ok to have surgery. (They have to consider the heart problem as well...luckily she has an echo cardiogram tomorrow.) Dr. Wang confirmed that a liver biopsy is unnecessary. He clarified that the lesions from renal cancer that has metastasized to the liver are full of blood and the risk of bleeding is more than lesions from other types of cancer. The good news is, they now have some new treatments for kidney cancer. There are 3 different treatments (pill form) that will hopefully slow the progression. It's called molecular targeting agents. That is all that they can do. There are fewer side effects than with chemo. He wants to see her again 2-3 weeks after her surgery and we'll get a game plan at that time.
BTW, I never mentioned in any of these posts Mom feels fine and she has no symptoms. There are no nerve endings inside the liver or the kidneys which is how it progressed without any signs.

May 31st - Additional - In answer to a question regarding the mass on the kidney. Doctors normally won't do a biopsy of something on the kidney because the kidneys are hard to get to. In Mom's case they can tell by just looking at the ct and don't need a biopsy. They would just remove the whole kidney. (If that's what the oncologist recommends.) BTW, the urologist also confirmed only one kidney is affected and both kidneys are functioning normally. (The growth is on the tissue outside and kidney function happens in the center of the kidney.)

May 31st - Mom's liver biopsy was canceled. I just spoke with Dr. Tarakji who had spoken to the radiologist who would have done the procedure. The radiologist said from looking at the liver he's almost sure it is renal cancer that has metastasized to the liver. (Dr. Tarakji conferred). There is a risk of bleeding by doing the procedure and they think it's best to see the oncologist first and then decide whether Mom really needs the procedure or not.

May 30th - still waiting for referrals for bone scan and lung ct

May 25th Dr. Andrews - the Urologist (with Pattie)
Spoke with Ben Massey (physician's assistant). He took all of the history. Dr. Andrews told us that it is weird to have a mass on the kidney and spots on the liver. Generally, if renal cancer metastasizes, it goes to the 1) lungs, 2) bones or 3) brain (in that order). He says it may be 2 different cancers. They will know more when Mom gets a liver biopsy on Thursday. He gave us referrals for 2 more procedures. Another cat scan to see all of the lungs (the other one was focused on the abdomen and only showed the bottom of the lungs) and a bone scan. He said he will be working with the oncologist once all of the results are in.

May 24th Dr. Tarakji - the (with Eileen and Pattie)
Dr. Takakji gave us the results of the previous tests. When doing the endoscopy, they had to remove a very small polyp from Mom's stomach and that came back as cancer. They need to do more tests on it for additional info. He also told us about the tumor on Mom's kidney which they found with the cat scan. It is about 3 inches (or the size of a tennis ball). There are also spots on her liver which they had seen with the sonogram, but could see better with the cat scan. The colonoscopy came back normal. He gave us a referral for an oncologist.

May 22nd C Scan (with Matt)
May 18th Colonoscopy (with Matt)
May 16th Upper Endoscopy (with Matt)
May 14th Sonogram (Mom went by herself)


Pattie said...

test comment

Kathi said...

Thanks Pattie

Angela said...

This is interesting

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Pattie for setting this up.

I thought the growth in the stomach was not cancer.

Do I need new batteries for my hearing aids? Do I need hearing aids?

Pattie said...

Eileen and I both heard that it was cancerous and they were going to run further tests. He was a little vague about that because he was focusing on the mass on the kidney. I assume the oncologist will give us better info. We'll ask for sure.
As far as the hearing aid...you and me both brother!

MatthewLynch said...


I think that was me, I was under the original impression that that nodule was not cancerous, but it turns out it was.

Thanks Pattie

Angela said...

Just spoke with your mom on the phone. She told me her liver biopsy was cancelled. She said the radiologist thought(?) maybe it is better to wait and see what the oncologist wanted before poking around in there.
She sounded upbeat. Said she is fine.
I know all the medical information is here to read, but it is good to hear her take on it and how her spirits are.
Just thought I would post that.

mom said...

Thank all of you for HAPPY THOUGHTS
we will see what the Dr says on Monday

Bean said...

I'm at Mom's hanging out and as you can tell I managed to get us both on! Thanks, Pattie for setting this up!

Annie said...

This is great. We can all keep up. Thanks for setting this up.

Angela said...

It is really great Pat! Forgot to say that earlier.

Angela said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Angela said...

Who does the suregery - oncologist or urologist?
Thanks for the info

Pattie said...

Urologist. Dr. Andrews.

Mary said...

I know I’m behind the times here, but I’m sooooo confused….
Does Mom have 4 different kinds of cancer? I’m reading kidney, liver, renal and now lung?
Also, you mention surgery, but I can’t tell what surgery this is.
I think I need the remedial blog.

Pattie said...

Renal is kidney. The original source of the cancer is renal (kidney). The other areas are where the cancer has spread (metastacized). So she has renal cancer that has metastacized to the liver, lungs and stomach.

Pattie said...

Sorry, missed the surgery part. The surgery is to remove the kidney. We will talk to the urologist on the 14th about the pros and cons.

Anonymous said...

I am so lucky to be in this family. Just thought you should know...

Marg said...

Peggy called me today and told me about Vera. She also gave me this blog address and I am praying for her. I know she is getting the best of care because you are great kids.

I am forwarding this information to Mary Boland Guilford and Patty Lynch Fennessy for they care for the Lynch family and will pray for her.

My welcome matt is out whenever anyone comes to the Northeast.

Marg (Margaret Leary)