Yes, apparently my father wrote at least one. We found this in Mom's things, click on the photo for a larger version. The text is as follows, as close as I can figure it:
Dear Vera,
As promised, a few lines so you are at least certain of the correct address. It was very nice to talk to you last night, though I had quite a bit of trouble going to sleep. You were the cause of it, naturally. I do hope you will be able to make your connections next Saturday. It seems like an eternity until then, especially with so little to do. Probably it is somewhat the same with you, though there is usually plenty to do at the office.
From what you said I gather I missed quite a session with Mr. T and the boys. I really didn't think you would tell them, though I can't say why. Guess I'm still in this well known pink cloud and in no hurry to get back to reality. I'll try to be by Saturday though, and I'll be at the airport rain or shine. So write, wire or phone - Drake 4.9185 - but do come because everyone is anxious to see you - especially me.