Sunday, December 28, 2008

Mom's Day

We laid Mom to rest on Friday, December 26th.

Even with the holiday there was a big turnout amongst members of her church, as well as all of her family and our friends who came to either share their memories or hear ours. The age range was babies to 80's.

This little guy was fond of mom's hat.

Although we feared early forecasted rain, it was a beautiful, sunny day.

Thank you to everyone who attended, and everyone that sent well wishes. The word most closely associated with my Mom is "love", and she would have loved this, as she did almost everyone who knew her. This world will miss her.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Service Info. For Mom

The schedule of services:

Friday, December 26th, 2008

Our Lady of The Angels Church
1100 W. Duarte Rd. (at SW corner of Temple City Blvd.)
Arcadia, CA 91007

ROSARY: 10:15
MASS: 10:30

No exposed shoulders, dresses must cover knee

Suit and tie preferred
ABSOLUTELY no shorts, jeans, t-shirts or sandals
No earrings

Here is a MAP To The Church (click on map to see a larger version)

RECEPTION/WAKE to Follow at Mom's House at 1PM:

2638 S. Tenth Avenue
Arcadia, CA

Here is a MAP to Mom's House (click on Map to see a larger version):


Mom's home: 626-462-1464
Pattie Lynch 323-445-0410
Eileen Lynch 818-219-4910
Kathi Lynch 310-721-6055
Matthew Lynch 323-428-0997

Veronica A. Lynch

Veronica A. Lynch

born: 7/21/1930

died: 12/22/2008

Mother is the name for God in the lips and hearts of little children. ~William Makepeace Thackeray

Monday, December 22, 2008

Atlantic City

Now our luck may have died and our love may be cold
But with you forever I'll stay
We're goin out where the sand is turnin to gold
Put on your stockins baby, `cause the nights getting cold
And maybe everything dies, baby, thats a fact
But maybe everything that dies someday comes back

Put your makeup on, fix your hair up pretty
And meet me tonight in Atlantic City.

Bruce Springsteen "Atlantic City"

Friday, December 19, 2008

Tangerines and Snow

The weather has been, for California, frightful the last couple of days. The snow level was down to a few thousand feet, which led to some nice views outside of Mom's window, which she still seems to enjoy taking in.

She also noticed the tangerine tree across the street, in the neighbor's yard. They are, like the oranges on the tree in Mom's front yard, not ripe yet. But Mom could smell them through the open window last week and wanted some, which we gave her in a very small amount as that was all she would eat.

Wanted to include a photo with snow in the backround, yes it does happen here, but as I always say, I like to be able to GO to snow, I don't like it to come to me.

I've also included another shot to prove, that yes, FALL also happens here, at least in mom's town of Arcadia, which is older and planted with non-California trees. I liked the juxtaposition of the fall colors with the orange and palm trees. Mom has loved living here.

Thursday, December 18, 2008


It's the word we use to describe Mom when she is being a little "unpleasant" towards us.

It's quite a joke, but it could certainly describe the way she has faced her final journey. Using words like "hard" or "tough" don't really seem to fit her. But, as we have just learned from our latest visit from our hospice nurse, she is still fighting in a way we can't really grasp. The nurse is shocked at the strength of her pulse and the fact that she is still able to communicate with us. (She can still smile and tell us she loves us, which is a beautiful thing to hear)

Roni is here with us again, and we are all visiting as much as possible, and Pattie and Kathi are staying with her full time.

Please keep her in your prayers.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

4th and Wesley

And update as of December 11th.

Mom has stopped eating and taking medication. We weren't sure if this was a temporary thing but she hasn't eaten anything for a number of days now. She can still recognize us and she doesn't appear to be in much pain which is our biggest hope now.

Please include her (and us) in your thoughts and prayers.



Thursday, December 4, 2008


We were all very thankful to have Mom share another one with us. She wasn't awake much, but did ask if the Lions finally got a win. (Unlike everyone besides Dennis and I, she remembered that the Detroit Lions play every Thanksgiving)

We had to forego the usual giant production, and just all gathered together and ate fake turkey sandwiches with LOTS of pumpkin and apple pie. That might sound odd, but trust me , it was a fantastic day.

It reminded me of a comment by the singer/songwriter Warren Zevon, who recorded a final album and toured while dying of lung cancer. When asked by talk show host David Letterman what he had learned during the process he said " much you're supposed to enjoy every sandwich"

Enjoy every sandwich.
