Mom has been busy!
The beginning of October we (Mom, Eileen, Kathi and Pattie) went to Yosemite. It was beautiful. A few weeks later we (Mom, Roni, Eileen, Kathi and Pattie) visited all the Massachusetts' relatives. (Well, as many as we could. There are a lot of them!) We (Mom, Roni, Kathi and Pattie) went to Augusta, GA next. There we visited Roni's son Sean, his wife Megan and their daughter IVY! (Mom's great grandchild.) She's so great!

November and December we were busy with Thanksgiving and Christmas, both of which were wonderful.
Sean, Megan and Ivy visited California around the tenth of January. We had a great time hanging out with Ivy again.
Mom had a bladder infection last weekend that threw us all for a loop. She's back in fighting form now, but we will be getting hospice visits once a week now so we can monitor it better.