Sunday, December 28, 2008

Mom's Day

We laid Mom to rest on Friday, December 26th.

Even with the holiday there was a big turnout amongst members of her church, as well as all of her family and our friends who came to either share their memories or hear ours. The age range was babies to 80's.

This little guy was fond of mom's hat.

Although we feared early forecasted rain, it was a beautiful, sunny day.

Thank you to everyone who attended, and everyone that sent well wishes. The word most closely associated with my Mom is "love", and she would have loved this, as she did almost everyone who knew her. This world will miss her.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Service Info. For Mom

The schedule of services:

Friday, December 26th, 2008

Our Lady of The Angels Church
1100 W. Duarte Rd. (at SW corner of Temple City Blvd.)
Arcadia, CA 91007

ROSARY: 10:15
MASS: 10:30

No exposed shoulders, dresses must cover knee

Suit and tie preferred
ABSOLUTELY no shorts, jeans, t-shirts or sandals
No earrings

Here is a MAP To The Church (click on map to see a larger version)

RECEPTION/WAKE to Follow at Mom's House at 1PM:

2638 S. Tenth Avenue
Arcadia, CA

Here is a MAP to Mom's House (click on Map to see a larger version):


Mom's home: 626-462-1464
Pattie Lynch 323-445-0410
Eileen Lynch 818-219-4910
Kathi Lynch 310-721-6055
Matthew Lynch 323-428-0997

Veronica A. Lynch

Veronica A. Lynch

born: 7/21/1930

died: 12/22/2008

Mother is the name for God in the lips and hearts of little children. ~William Makepeace Thackeray

Monday, December 22, 2008

Atlantic City

Now our luck may have died and our love may be cold
But with you forever I'll stay
We're goin out where the sand is turnin to gold
Put on your stockins baby, `cause the nights getting cold
And maybe everything dies, baby, thats a fact
But maybe everything that dies someday comes back

Put your makeup on, fix your hair up pretty
And meet me tonight in Atlantic City.

Bruce Springsteen "Atlantic City"

Friday, December 19, 2008

Tangerines and Snow

The weather has been, for California, frightful the last couple of days. The snow level was down to a few thousand feet, which led to some nice views outside of Mom's window, which she still seems to enjoy taking in.

She also noticed the tangerine tree across the street, in the neighbor's yard. They are, like the oranges on the tree in Mom's front yard, not ripe yet. But Mom could smell them through the open window last week and wanted some, which we gave her in a very small amount as that was all she would eat.

Wanted to include a photo with snow in the backround, yes it does happen here, but as I always say, I like to be able to GO to snow, I don't like it to come to me.

I've also included another shot to prove, that yes, FALL also happens here, at least in mom's town of Arcadia, which is older and planted with non-California trees. I liked the juxtaposition of the fall colors with the orange and palm trees. Mom has loved living here.

Thursday, December 18, 2008


It's the word we use to describe Mom when she is being a little "unpleasant" towards us.

It's quite a joke, but it could certainly describe the way she has faced her final journey. Using words like "hard" or "tough" don't really seem to fit her. But, as we have just learned from our latest visit from our hospice nurse, she is still fighting in a way we can't really grasp. The nurse is shocked at the strength of her pulse and the fact that she is still able to communicate with us. (She can still smile and tell us she loves us, which is a beautiful thing to hear)

Roni is here with us again, and we are all visiting as much as possible, and Pattie and Kathi are staying with her full time.

Please keep her in your prayers.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

4th and Wesley

And update as of December 11th.

Mom has stopped eating and taking medication. We weren't sure if this was a temporary thing but she hasn't eaten anything for a number of days now. She can still recognize us and she doesn't appear to be in much pain which is our biggest hope now.

Please include her (and us) in your thoughts and prayers.



Thursday, December 4, 2008


We were all very thankful to have Mom share another one with us. She wasn't awake much, but did ask if the Lions finally got a win. (Unlike everyone besides Dennis and I, she remembered that the Detroit Lions play every Thanksgiving)

We had to forego the usual giant production, and just all gathered together and ate fake turkey sandwiches with LOTS of pumpkin and apple pie. That might sound odd, but trust me , it was a fantastic day.

It reminded me of a comment by the singer/songwriter Warren Zevon, who recorded a final album and toured while dying of lung cancer. When asked by talk show host David Letterman what he had learned during the process he said " much you're supposed to enjoy every sandwich"

Enjoy every sandwich.


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Mom's Fort

Mom has taken to relaxing and napping on her outdoor swing. We set up a sheet to block the bright sun (to our suffering blog readers in winter states, yes, it's still a little hot out here in the afternoons)

It reminded me of the little forts kids like to set up. Mom is back out there after the smoke from all the fires has dissipated.

Eileen has hired a nurse to come help Pattie during the week, the rest of us visit most days and we try to switch off during the weekend to give Pattie a break. Roni was out last week and we all fought over her cookies and treats.

It looks like Mom will make Thanksgiving, which we are all happy about, Christmas and the New Year may be a bridge too far, and although we've been blessed greatly so much as it is, we can't help but be a little greedy.

Love to all,


Thursday, November 6, 2008

Election Day

Early in the year, at the height of the Primaries, something happened that annoyed my mom, whatever it was obviously forgotten as almost all of the histrionics of that time faded. But she scoffed and said she wouldn't be around to find out what happened anyway.

Well, she was (happily) wrong. She did get to vote in the election, by mail.

Anyone that has known her for more than an hour knows how she voted. And she is happy with the result, and like others, happy she lived to see it.

Birthday Girls

We all got together on Sunday to celebrate Kathi, Eileen , and Pattie's Birthdays. Kathi's is in late October and our "Irish Twins" Eileen and Pattie are early November.

We all made it out there, and Mom enjoyed herself, having a piece of each of the different cupcakes.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Breakfast at Mom's

This is a picture from last Saturday.

The weather is still perfect here in October, and we got to enjoy a
nice morning outside. It got too hot later and I was unable to convince Mom to head to the track nearby for the Breeder's Cup races.

In all honesty to everyone, these type of breakfasts will we fewer (and definitely not far between) in the future. Mom has been slowing increasingly, and rarely gets out of bed, sleeping upwards of 20 hours a day. We all knew this was coming and certainly are not surprised. Her medication contributes to this, obviously, but her pain seems to being regulated.

We all feel lucky considering all the circumstances when we first heard this news over a year ago. Please keep our Mom in your thoughts and prayers.


Thursday, October 2, 2008

October Notes

Hello All,

Roni was out visiting last week. She was filling in for Pattie who accompanied Eileen on a business trip to Hawaii and got some much need R & R. (And got sick as well, as have almost ALL of us EXCEPT Mom!)

Roni and Mom just relaxed, compared knitting , and watched lots of old movies. That's been a standard of ours since Mom can't get out as much. We've been watching mainly older movies, some old favorites (Harvey, Here Comes Mr. Jordan) and some of which Mom hadn't seen (Sunset Blvd., The Philadelphia Story)

But they are mainly a distraction from Mom's biggest interest, the upcoming election. Like most American's she is very interested in the goings on, and follows closely.

Thanks to everyone for continuing to send emails, cards, and notes. Mom (and the rest of us) enjoy them immensely.



Friday, September 12, 2008

More Hawks

One of the side effects of Mom having so many bird feeders is that the congregations of birds is the sound of the dinner bell ringing for our larger feathered friends. They've been quite active the past week, it's like the animal planet in Mom's backyard.

Slightly less exotic is the neighborhood squirrel , who has taken to laying flat on the cement to cool off in the heat, something none of us have ever seen.

We are taking turns looking after and staying with Mom and enjoying the show.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Hawks and Toes

Mom had a great treat when granddaughter Kyra came over to give her a pedicure. It was especially nice as mom can't get around as well anymore and going out to get one would have been very difficult.

August's visitors included Mary and Jack as well as Uncle Rich, who delighted everyone with childhood stories that Mom wouldn't have (or just hadn't) told us.

We have had a hospital bed delivered, and set up in the living room. The hospice nurses are still coming by regularly , and mom has slowed down quite a bit. We are taking turns staying the night with her - and by taking turns, I mean that we relieve Pattie (our rock) occasionally.

From Mom's bed she can see the tips of the San Gabriel mountains
to the north, but more importantly , still has a good view of the swarms of birds that are attracted to her numerous feeders. There are literally thousands of birds in her back patio daily (or hundreds of birds making constant trips)

This occasionally drops to zero when the neighborhood cat lurks nearby, Or when a winged predator such as a hawk lands. We had just such a sighting a couple of days ago. You can't see it in the photo but, trust me it's there - click on the photo and look in the third (middle)pane on the right , perched right on the chair. Although mother can't stand cats and what they do to birds, she gets a kick out of "her" hawk.

Love to all,


Sunday, August 3, 2008

Mom's Magnolia Tree

FROM Pattie:

I don't know if you know the story of the magnolia tree. Mom loves them and when she and dad were first married, they planted one. Then they had to move. Then they planted another one and then they moved again. This went on until Mom finally stopped getting magnolia trees for fear they would move again. When she moved to her house after Dad died, we thought to get her one, but figured she'd think she would have to move...the final move. So we didn't.
When she was diagnosed I thought about it but didn't do it fast enough. I went to Armstrong's and they had a tree (a stick really) that had a few blooms. Next to that was a stick which looked to have some buds that I thought would bloom.
So I brought it home to Mom and planted it. Turns out they were just the leaves. Since I had waited too long, we figured it wouldn't bloom again until the winter. December or January. So guess what I found Thursday on the stick (Mom's term, not mine)? That's appears to be blooming.

Mom is very excited about it. Anyway, I thought you could put these pictures up. The last one is the new double finch sock thing that we got. Mom is loving that too. The birds are all going crazy as usual.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Happy Birthday Mom!

Just wanted to show appreciation to everyone who sent birthday wishes to Mom. She loved it and loves all of you, as you must know.

Thanks a million!

Great Birthday Weekend II: Santa Monica Beach

Mom wanted to go to the Beach on Saturday, so we obliged. Erica and I talked the rest of the gang to coming to our neighborhood, and so we set up shop just south of the Santa Monica Pier. Mom wanted to make sure she came to a place with "big waves" and this spot was obliging , as their were dozens of students at the beachside surf school practicing in the water nearby.

The day started off chilly and cloudy, which was perfect for setting up, but soon turned gorgeous and sunny - sailboats , kites, and surfboards were in large abundance, although mom turned down the idea of a surfing lesson. She did get a ride in the "beach wheelchair" , a dune buggy like contraption made for riding on the sand. It turned our group into minor celebrities, as numerous people came by to inquire about it and/or demand rides.

Just a wonderful , wonderful day.

Monday, July 21, 2008

A Great Birthday Weekend: Musso and Frank

I've been lucky enough to share a birthday with my mom, (hers is the 21st, mine is the 19th, ) and this weekend was the highlight of them all.

Friday night a large group (including Roni, who was visiting) of us gathered at Musso and Frank. Musso and Frank is a famous old Hollywood joint, the "oldest restaurant in Hollywood: , an old fashioned steak place where the waiters wear jackets and ties and the cocktails are not to be trifled with:

We went there for Mom and Dad's anniversary a number of years ago, and Mom is quite fond of their Manhattan's. So it was a special place to have a birthday dinner for the two of us.

PS A Musso and Frank story:

I'm fond of telling this one. My Dad told us how he had come to Musso and Frank decades before during World War II. The last place he trained before being sent to the Pacific Theater was Edwards Air Force Base north of Los Angeles, during weekend furloughs the airmen would often join the rest of the soldiers and sailors swarming Hollywood at the time. My dad and the rest of his crew ended up at Musso and Frank and he order a drink. The surly bartender demanded to see ID, which my father, being 19 years old at the time, didn't have. He was always pretty quick thinking when it came to aquiring alcohol, and after a slight pause, pointed at the rank on his sleeve and blurted out: "But I'm an officer! You HAVE to be 21 to be an officer" The first part was true, the second was not. The bartender thought for a second and said "Oh yeah, that's right" . Dad, got his drink. We drank a bottle of red from the Dan Lynch Winery in Napa in honor of him.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Sunday is Massage Day

Eileen's friend David came over to give Mom, Bean and Erica reflexology. A good time was had by all.

The One Armed Bandit

Pattie took Mom to the Santa Ynez Valley early this month to visit her friend Sholeh. Kyra accompanied them. Sholeh has a beautiful place , with a pool mom and Kyra enjoyed, as well as a native plant yard, which Mom inspected (Not as nice as her yard, of course, but close.) See photo

The Santa Ynez Valley is a few hours north of LA, just above Santa Barbara. Beautiful scenery, lots of wineries (think "Sideways", don't think "Michael Jackson")

All of which Mom loves, but not as much as the slots at the local Chumash Indian Casino! She came away slightly ahead, which, as always means she won big.


Monday, June 2, 2008

Just some old photos, thanks to Pattie. Including a new take on an old favorite. If anyone has any others
they'd like to share email them to me

Mom is doing well, taking daily naps, relaxing on her patio, exploring vegan cooking and of course getting as worked up as everyone else over politics.

We are blessed.


Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

A great day for all of us.

Mary is here visiting Mom, and we all had a great day together. Mom is still doing well, although she has stopped driving at the behest of Aunt Alice, who was here recently.

We had a nice time in the great air on Mom's back patio, Liam and Kyra helped us find the appropriate water guns to spray the squirrels stealing food from Mom's beloved birds. We waited patiently but they hid out from the firepower.

Special thanks to everyone who contributed to Erica and I on the Revlon Run/Walk for Cancer on Saturday. A wonderful day as well.


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

More Visitors

All of the prayers are working. Mom is still doing great. Other than naps every day, there are no signs of trouble.

Roni, Jim and Jacob all came to visit last week. We had a nice time...mostly just enjoying the bird watching on Mom's patio. We had an early St. Patrick's Day dinner since they were here.

I finally got my camera photos downloaded, so here's a picture from Mary's visit too.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Still doing well...

Mom went to the Santa Monica Farmers' Market on the 9th and was still able to get around...just a little slower. Matt and Erica joined us there.

Saturday the 16th, Mom's cousins Joe and Linda came up from Orange County for a visit.

She's keeping busy and still says she feels fine. In fact, she doesn't think the nurse needs to come every week. (We're trying to change her mind.)

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Roni and Mary visit

Mary came to visit Jan. 23rd to the 27th. Roni came out on the 27th and left on Feb. 2. They mostly hung out with Mom and the rest of us tried to visit with them when we could. Mom is doing much better...sleeping better and able to get around without trouble. She is calling me (Pattie) every day in the morning so we won't worry. We all visit every weekend and one of us is going to visit when the nurses come on Thursdays. Mom drove herself to Mass this morning (Ash Wednesday) and says everything went fine.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Finally...a new post

Sorry for the delays with this post.
Mom has been busy!
The beginning of October we (Mom, Eileen, Kathi and Pattie) went to Yosemite. It was beautiful. A few weeks later we (Mom, Roni, Eileen, Kathi and Pattie) visited all the Massachusetts' relatives. (Well, as many as we could. There are a lot of them!) We (Mom, Roni, Kathi and Pattie) went to Augusta, GA next. There we visited Roni's son Sean, his wife Megan and their daughter IVY! (Mom's great grandchild.) She's so great!
November and December we were busy with Thanksgiving and Christmas, both of which were wonderful.
Sean, Megan and Ivy visited California around the tenth of January. We had a great time hanging out with Ivy again.
Mom had a bladder infection last weekend that threw us all for a loop. She's back in fighting form now, but we will be getting hospice visits once a week now so we can monitor it better.